Monday, February 16, 2009

This is what dinner has come to...

As we were eating dinner tonight and I looked at Rylee covered in peach juice, hair sticking up, standing in her high chair and cheerios stuck to various body parts; I thought about how much dinner time has changed over the last year. When Rylee was first born, Clint and I wondered if we would ever have a peaceful dinner together again because one of us was always consoling the screaming baby. Now we either feed Rylee first and peacefully eat after she has gone to bed or we have a messy, yet fun filled family dinner! I am positive that as Rylee continues to grow dinner time will too evolve :)
Also including a picture of Rylee looking chic in her sunglasses!


Miss K's Mommy said...

They MUST be secretly related! How could two little peanuts be so alike! Your description of dinner w/ peach juice in the hair and other objects stuck all over is EXACTLY what we go through at every meal. And we have crazy hair just like Rylee!!! It's usually bathtime immediately following eating. Sometimes we have to have 2 baths in one day.

Sharon said...

Us too! (Minus the standing up!) Just multiply it all times three! We are also heading right to the tub after dinner so what's a little mess! It is true life has changed...last year I had so little time to eat that I lost 40 lbs! Not now, NOW I eat left over grilled cheese, cereal, veggies,...whatever they didn't and I ALWAYS sit with them to eat. It keeps them from throwing food! So much for my weight loss! What will it be like NEXT YEAR???